Global People

Parallel Universe
Minds of the Future

See Right Brain Aerobics for Training Programs for Business and Personal Transformation
Stretch Your Mind into a New Dimension



Sandra Rodman
Sandra H. Rodman, CEO

Sandra H. Rodman & Right Brain Aerobics

Media Interviews: 425 | 214 | 2926


Quantum Mind






Sandra Rodman




-RBA Intro

Sandra H. Rodman - BIO...

...Sandra H. Rodman, CEO, Right Brain Aerobics, is a Teacher and Author of "Right Brain Aerobics for Business and Career: The Coming Age of the Right Brain," including "Right Brain Start Up: The Power of Right Brain Aerobics" and "Mind Shift, Culture Change."

Tour Right Brain Aerobics.

Media Interviews: 425 | 214 | 2926

Parallel Universe/Right Brain Aerobics Training Philosophy
The Coming Age of the Right Brain


Our global society, our interaction with space and technology -- unprecedented waves of new programs to expand consciousness and accelerate the mind -- are changing our definitions of the Self. Parallel Universe and Right Brain Aerobics programs are positioned at the "tipping point" between past and future in language broad enough to allow those focused on career and business -- those focused on consciousness development -- to participate in the same venue.

Creative Brain
Activating the
other 90% of the Brain

We are one globe -- but use only 5-10% of our mental potential across the globe. These programs address activating "the other 90% of the brain" and beyond as natural human abilities simply untrained due to differences in cultures and perceptions.

The Multidimensional Self
Exploring the Multidimensional Self

Preparing for a Multidimensional Self which can operate and communicate within and outside of 24/7 time-space orientation, at home in communication in broader cross-cultural, economic, geographical paradigms, even paradigms in which space colonization and greater interplanetary exploration is a normal part of life -- from business to psychological development and consciousness/spiritual exploration both ancient and modern. The development of consciousness and intelligence which can participate in the creation of a new reality both local and even beyond Earth time-space boundaries and understanding.

We highly recommend that whatever your studies in these areas, begin with the fundamental highly practical mainstream Right Brain Aerobics and the streamlined form Right Brain Express training. We have found that even advanced students in metaphysics or meditation have not had an easy way to practice skills daily that are necessary for the advanced programs.

It allows learning, daily practice, and integration of human mental ability in 7 components -- perhaps the only program to combine all of these techniques on different levels in one training process: Right Brain Start Up, Mental Focus/Creative Visualization, Affirmation & Breakthrough Thinking, Intuition & Thinking like a CEO, Creativity & Innovation, Right Brain Strategy Grids, and Institutionalizing Right Brain Thinking for WHOLE BRAIN THINKING.

This streamlined Right Brain "Express" training of Right Brain Aerobics increase understanding, supersensory awareness quickly -- the ability to excel much more quickly in advanced/intuitive Parallel Universe programs and mental vibrations and resides on Whidbey Island, Washington in Puget Sound.

For more information and details see: Right Brain Aerobics


Training Group


“I am convinced all of humanity is born with more gifts than we know.  Most are born geniuses and just get de-geniused rapidly.”
-- Buckminster Fuller


"Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer.”
– Robert Graves


"None of us are as smart as all of us."
-- Japanese proverb


"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


“The strategy of my coach and me was that we looked at pictures of all the best pole vaulters from around the world, and we took the best parts from them, and we created a person that had never existed.  We then started to work toward being such a person.” 
– Sergey Bubka, athlete  

(Sergey Bubka was “Repeatedly voted the world’s best athlete. ‘Here is a man who has personally altered his art form, changed the way competitors prepare for it and perform it, even the way spectators perceive it.’
-- Gary Smith, Sports Illustrated about Bubka" quoted in Wikipedia.) 


"The Bubka quote is especially relevant to the art form of '“right brain strategy' integrated with left brain strategy -- whole brain thinking for any organization, for the company of the future."  [See “Playing the Beautiful Game” in the Right Brain Aerobics Manual, Strategy Section.]
-- S.H. Rodman


Find out more about Right Brain Aerobics Training

(c) 2006-2013, S.H. Rodman. Photo Credits: Top Photo, Global Business People, iStockPhoto.com License #3127471. Photo #2, S.H. Rodman (c) S.H. Rodman. Photo #3 Quantum Mind, iStockPhoto.com License #9440327. Photos #4 and #5, Cover of a) Right Brain Aerobics Manual Book 1 and b) Right Brain Aerobics Manaul Book 2, designed/art/photo (c) by S.H. Rodman. Photo #6, Cover of Right Brain Aerobics Introduction, designed/art (c) by S.H. Rodman. Photo #7, Brain Photo on Intro cover, iStockPhoto.com License #1402061. Photo #8, Woman Trainer, iStockPhoto.com, License #6386676. Photo #9, Creative Brain Sparks, iStockPhoto.com License #3541361. Photo #10, Multiple Selves, iStockPhoto.com License #637717. Any quotes by individuals noted. Parallel Universe Contact Information.

TAGS - Parallel universe, right brain aerobics, sandra rodman, training programs, business, career training, educators, education, corporations, learning officers, universities, colleges, government training, management, multidimensional self, star talk, star mind, ancient and future self, cosmic cowboys, parallel universe, musical, music, consulting, coaching