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Parallel Universe
Minds of the Future

Programs for Business and Personal Transformation - Stretch Your Mind into a New Dimension


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Act I of "Parallel Universe"

"Parallel Universe the Musical" --
The Dance of Life

A Science Fiction Musical Drama of Interplanetary Transformation -- by Sandra H. Rodman

Close Encounters of the Heart...Love Across the Dimensions... Songs for Soulmates... Mind Meld Music...

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"Parallel Universe the Musical" Online
Sandra H. Rodman

1. Download Introduction PDF File -- Characters, Production, Description:
Description of characters and character analysis, production design,
- -background-of play,
outline of scenes and music.descriptions.

Download Act I - Script and Lyrics. Permission is granted to use
--- scenes for non-commercial personal performances for acting classes,
auditions, etc., if full copyright attribution is given.

3. Music MP3 Files & Lyrics of "Parallel Universe"

4. Brief Outline of Acts:

Actor in Mask



Act I: "The Dance of Life" (download)

QUOTE SCREEN ONSTAGE: “…there should be at least 100 million planets capable of supporting life in the cosmos.” 
-- Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything,
2004, Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

Act I... In which we meet the beautiful Artemis, who was sitting in the audience and didn't want to come to a musical at all -- but finds herself wearing the glowing silver sandals and silver hair pins of ancient gods -- and somehow the large, dark ancient eyes and 7' presence of Rom are so familiar... ("Alien abduction, alien abduction!" -- screams Artemis)...

And Jason, a cosmic dancer who fears Oron and going backstage equally because he doesn't know what he'll find when the curtains of a vaster universe are drawn.

And Oron, the Narrator, 8' tall from a blue crystalline planet, who bids us enter this parallel Reality Theatre tells us, "There is no such thing as fiction." Act I

And a Starr in love.

STARR: "What do you mean, you don’t love me?  Preposterous!  Of course you love me. .. I am always loved.  It’s the way things are..."

  • Scene 1, "Reality Theatre"
  • Scene 2, "The Dance of Life Ballet"
  • Scene 3, "Experimental Life Forms" (Video)
  • Scene 4, "Unknown Realities"
  • Scene 5, "There's a River into Lifetimes"
  • Scene 6, "A Starr in Love"

Act II: "The Great Experiment"

QUOTE SCREEN ONSTAGE: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
-- Albert Einstein

  • Scene 1, "Don't You Know Who You Are?"
  • Scene 2, "Every Planet Is Somebody's Mother"
  • Scene 3, "Identity Theory"
  • Scene 4, "The Great Experiment"
  • Scene 5, "Alien Abduction"
  • Scene 6, "Mother Earth"
  • Scene 7, "Can You Say I Love You?


Act III: "Magic"

QUOTE SCREEN ONSTAGE: “’Someday,’ said the Jesuit philosopher Teilhard de Charin, ‘after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness…the energies of love.  Then for the second time in the history of the world man will have discovered fire.’ ”
-- Amit Goswami, Ph.D. The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World

  • Scene 1, "Perennials"
  • Scene 2, "Magic"
  • Scene 3, "Blue Diamonds, Blue Rivers"
  • Scene 4, "You Touch Me"
  • Scene 5, "Resistance Is Futile" (Video)
  • Scene 6, "On Every Planet There's Somebody..."

Act IV: "Parallel Universe"

QUOTE SCREEN ONSTAGE: “There are three points I want to make tonight.  First, I feel that my generation was saddled with a burden heavier than that of any other people in history, a legacy of polluting our world to the brink of destruction.  Second, changing it will require far more than recycling and other environmental Band-Aids.  And third, we women must play a major role. We are the nurturers.  Above all else, this transition will be about shifting ourselves into earth-honoring and sustainable ways of living.” 
-- Jessica Perkins, age 12, speaking at the 1995 International Women’s Conference, as quoted in Shape Shifting by John Perkins.

  • Scene 1, "String Theory "
  • Scene 2, "My Home Away from Home"
  • Scene 3, "Parallel Universe"
  • Scene 4, "The Disappearance"
  • Scene 5, "In the End, Love"






JASON: But I don't want to be an experimental life form.
ORON: Too late...
Act I



ORON: It is this darkness, it is this deep space that alone exposes the brilliant light that draws us ever forward into its consciousness.  We cannot be who we are without exploring the still mind of dark energy, the deepness where we were born…  Who are we, in the deep caverns of our cells, their little honeycombs so full of knowledge in that center of life where tiny sparkles of living consciousness wake up every day and know us...?

And in this exploration, we must risk being loving, risk laughing, risk being afraid, risk being happy – risk being joyful: The ultimate risk.  I ask you to take that risk tonight.

It is why you have evolved In this silence you can touch the stillness of all mind, hidden beneath the density of thought. You live in this disguise, but this agony is not who you are. It is time to remove the masks that hide you from each other and from the energies of the many visitors who slide in and out of reality, hidden in plain sight.  And with this act, you will remove the mask of planet Earth, who longs for you to remember her as she really is.
Act II


PHOEBE:   You must learn the silent roads of your mind, to converse openly with the variously decorated and anciently derived beings who surround you every day, trailing centuries of civilization in their fields as they pass you…

ROM: Even the planets hail you by name...
Act II


Act III  

ORON: Magic is the daily bread of the universe, and you, my friends, are starving...


ORON ON NANOTECHNOLOGY: It is said by your scientists that there is "plenty of room at the bottom." I say, "There is no bottom."



THE GODDESS: You are self-confined only to a galaxy of thought. You are confined to the dimensions of your definitions and nothing more. In truth, when you open your heart in compassion for the first time, you open your eyes for the first time.
Act IV


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Dance Production

Contact Information


Agent -- Contact regarding production information:

Ronald Hufham, Artistic Director, The Mirror Theater
208 | 882 | 1394 - or E-mail Ron Hufham

Playwright/composer - Contact regarding local readings or regarding permission/music of "Parallel Universe"

Sandra H. Rodman, CEO, Right Brain Aerobics
425 | 214 | 2926 - or Email Sandra Rodman



(c) 2006-2013, S.H. Rodman. Photo Credits: Top Photo, Global Business People, iStockPhotos.com License #3127471. Photo #2, Parallel Universe Logo (c) S.H. Rodman. Photo #3, Dance Production, iStockPhotos.com License #1960907. Photo #4, Beautiful Masked Performer, iStockPhotos.com License #3176854. Parallel Universe C ontact Information.






TAGS - Parallel universe, right brain aerobics, sandra rodman, training programs, business, career training, educators, education, corporations, learning officers, universities, colleges, government training, management, multidimensional self, star talk, star mind, ancient and future self, cosmic cowboys, parallel universe, musical, music, consulting, coaching


TAGS - Parallel universe, right brain aerobics, sandra rodman, training programs, business, career training, educators, education, corporations, learning officers, universities, colleges, government training, management, multidimensional self, star talk, star mind, ancient and future self, cosmic cowboys, parallel universe, musical, music, consulting, coaching