Training & Classes
Right Brain Aerobics Training For current public classes call Sandra Rodman -
425 | 214 | 2926. RBA Web
Right Brain Aerobics & Right Brain Express (the streamlined PowerPoint version for public and institutional classes) was created by Sandra H. Rodman, CEO of Right Brain Aerobics and Parallel Universe. For other Parallel Universe Publications, Screenplays, Musicals -- see right column.
For national Right Brain Aerobics Corporate & Organizational Training call Bill Gallagher, Gallagher Company, 410-905-2055 or email.
Take the acclaimed "Right Brain Aerobics Class. More in formation:t 425-214-2926, arrange long-term payment plans.
Start Exercising the Right Brain Now! Begin "brain building" at any age!
We need creative intelligence, independent thinking and leadership skills in times of major global change.
Right Brain Aerobics builds on
7 Mental Exercise Components for Whole Brain Thinking -- intuitive-creative skills translated into mainstream career/leadership skills rarely trained in modern industry -- for
- New remarkable skills building on 7 Components: 1. Right Brain Start Up, 2. Mental Focus & Creative Visualization, 3. Affirmation & Breakthrough Thinking, 4. Intuition & Thinking Like a CEO, 5. Creativity & Innovation, 6. Right Brain Strategy Grids, 7. Institutionalizing Right Brain Thinking
- Integrating the other 90% of the brain
- Organizational as well as Personal Development / Manager Training
- Institutionalizing Right Brain / Whole Brain Strategy with Higher Return on Mental Investment (ROMI)
- Innovative problem-solving, Right Brain Strategy Grids, whole brain strategy, quantum leaps in management & meeting/classroom skills, super-sensory intuitive skills.
- Any level, any industry.
- MORE at Right Brain Aerobics!
"Right Brain" is a lot more than "creativity"!
- High level job performance is not about high level test-taking -- but that's all we're preparing students for!
- We're teaching (and ranking teachers) -- only to prepare students to pass automated "left brain" tests! But global career and industry achievement, new patents in science, technology, communications, won't be done with test-taking skills!
- "Creative Intelligence": We must think, innovate, communicate, inspire, teach, lead innovatively and strategically with multidimensional whole brain intelligence!
- We're not teaching integrated brain function routinely in education, science, or technology. Training is now often online, linear (standardized uncreative leaning/testing) decreasing creativity, think-on-your-feet leadership and communication skills.
What Opportunities Are You Missing? Right Brain Aerobics focuses on developing higher level, independent, strategic thinking skills:
- High powered, higher level intuitive-creative-innovative-strategic right brain mind -- many ways to tap inspiration, independent thinking ahead of new developments -- perceiving what others do not see.
- Higher level interpretive skills, strategic thinking, left and right brain -- and symbolic abstract understanding, synthesis of unrelated symbols into creative, practical ideas and strategy.
- Long-term multi-generational thinking -- more whole brain, whole system contextual thinking.
- Right Brain Aerobics is the "how to" training for these right brain career skills, increasing whole brain function, high level innovative-intuitive-strategic mental focus for BUSINESS & CAREER, for personal communication and parenting. More...
Loss of creative-intuitive, right brain / whole brian intelligence and communication skills in one generation means accelerating loss in future generations! Use it or lose it -- squared!
Advanced Right Brain/Whole Brain Training:
Multidimensional Intelligence Training. For Private TeleSessions and Class Schedules call 425 | 214 | 2926.
The Multidimensional Self. Expansion of the Self and Gestalt Consciousness: Developing advanced right brain intuitive-creative abilities in the framework of the Architecture of the Self, understanding the Multidimensional Self, exploring Ancient & Future Lineage Paths and Higher Self Concepts, Gestalt Consciousness. Stretching identity and mental skills outside of 24/7 time-space orientation. More...
Advanced Training is available in Private Coaching Sessions (which may include Reading/Healing as well as applying these techniques to business and career -- Individual or Small Group Sessions with
Sandra H. Rodman, CEO, Right Brain Aerobics.
425 | 214 | 2926. |
News, Events, Media!
Right Brain Aerobics Classess, Talks & "Idea Factory" Private Sessions Availability for Sandra H. Rodman, CEO, Right Brain Aerobics.
CALENDAR: Upcoming Right Brain Aerobics Classes Home Page!
"Idea Factory Brainstorming Sessions": Private Brainstorming Executive Coaching Sessions for Individuals or Teams with Sandra H. Rodman, RBA's CEO. We'll generate new ideas/viewpoints to accelerate business & career, solve problems. Learn RBA "Idea Factory"& basic RBA to change executive skills. Call 425-214-2926 or Email Sandra Rodman
Take a Tour of Right Brain Aerobics
Sandra H. Rodman, CEO,
Right Brain Aerobics
Media - Speaking Engagements - About Us
---Media Contacts:
See About / Bio,
---Sandra H. Rodman - Contact or call
---425 | 214 | 2926 - Testimonials
- ------ "Idea Factory" -- generating new ideas "on the fly"
- ---for your organization
----- -- Right Brain Approach to Problem Solving
- ------ Take Your Right Brain to Work!
Publications, Online Exercises, Article Links, Plays & Music
Right Brain Aerobics for Business, Career -- Creativity & Innovation
Start Learning Right Brain Thinking
& Doing Exercises Now!
Take a Tour -- PowerPoint Introduction to Right Brain Thinking and Right Brain Aerobics 7 components -- Articles, Brochures, and Exercises.
S.H. Rodman:
Music/Musicals Overview
"Cosmic Cowboys" Allegorical Sci-Fi Musical - Play, Music, Lyrics, Online, by Sandra H. Rodman. More.
"Parallel Universe"
Allegorical Sci-Fi Musical" - Act I Play and Musical Selections Online by Sandra H. Rodman. More.
"The Peace Trilogy" by Sandra H. Rodman
Just Ballands by Sandra H. Rodman -- Ballads from the Musicals plus more special music...
Right Brain Aerobics and Multidimensional Intelligence training include numerous kinds of mental focus/intuition/creativity exercises that stimulate different parts of the brain -- and are focused on career, personal development, entrepreneurial thinking. Lots of new research/articles are published regularly regarding the power of these kinds of exercises/building new mental skills:
- "How to build a bigger brain --Study shows that meditation may increase gray matter." UCLA Newsroom...
- Mental Focus and Meditation Exercises can actually increase brain size... See new Massachusetts General Hospital study published in Psychiatry Journal 1-30-11 -- including "thickening of the cerebral cortex in areas associated with attention and emotional integration
in as little as 8 weeks.
- See Right Brain Aerobics website feature of numerous Articles on Research regarding how Meditation/Mental Focus and Intuition, Creativity Exercises -- all integrated in Right Brain Aerobics & Multidimensional Intelligence Training exercises, techniques, tools -- are being found to increase mental ability, focus, ability to synthesize and priorities, increase innovative thinking. This is an increasing highly active field of research in neuroscience.
- NY Time Series "Your Brain on Computers"
-- Article: "Attached to Technology and Paying a Price"
-- Article: "The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In"
-- Article: "Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime"
- Article from "Medicine Plus": "Study finds Teens' Late Night Media Use Comes at a Price -- Tied to learning problems, anxiety, depression, mood swings"
...RIGHT BRAIN/MENTAL FOCUS/INTUITION/ CREATIVITY TRAINING CAN HELP REVERSE THESE EFFECTS...EXPAND MENTAL ABILITY, INNOVATIVE THINKING...Even insight to create new technologies that can instead enhance health and brain skills:
80% drop in Mental/Perception
Creativity Skills since 1944!?
Right Brain Creativity-Intuition
is needed more than
ever before!
From the IEEE (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers) Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, 2003, “Creative performance: does the computer retard artistic development?,” T. Kipp.
“We outline a research study conducted among undergraduate art students to investigate the level of visual perception and creative development. .. Among the groups studied, the research concluded that artistic traits such as visual memory, perception, and a critical eye for detail declined 80% as compared to research studies since 1944."
"We present scientific research in the field of cognition and brain science, suggesting dominant use of technology in the arts retards intellectual and perceptual-motor skills.”
[Food for Thought: Have we had more decline since 2003 with social networking technology and "small screen mind"?
Can right brain training reverse this trend and enable better, advanced science and technology? -- SHR]
Right Brain Aerobics Training: Contact Sandra H. Rodman, Freeland, WA, 98249 - 425 | 214 | 2926 | E-mail
Right Brain Aerobics Training: Contact Bill Gallagher, CEO/President, Gallagher Management Co.,
Worldwide Exclusive Distributors -
410 | 905 | 2055 - E-mail.
GIVE! Parallel Universe & Right Brain Aerobics support non-profit entrepreneurial programs, sustainability organizations, art/music educational institutions, and others.
1. We recommend and support this innovative and immersive new education initiative -- it takes your breath away and can excite kids of all ages about science careers: Whidbey GeoDome Project (WGP). Custom global educational programs -- for science centers, schools, companies: Portable and powerful!
2. Could your Town be part of the U.S. Transition Towns movement? A Transition Town effort can change and build community, expand resources. Give today!
3. To help in a new way when there are global disasters -- Shelter Box -- an extremely innovative new product that provides that which is most often missing -- the actual items for temporary shelter, sleeping, survival. Take a look! Thanks to K.M. in Issaquah for locating this one!
4. Innovative way to impact global learning by donating to Room to Read, setting up libraries and reading programs, especially for girls, in areas that have almost nothing like this.
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(c) 2006-2013, S.H. Rodman. Sitemap. Photo Credits: Top Photo, Global Business People, iStockPhoto.com, License #3127471. Photo #2, Business Group, iStockPhoto.com License #2934978. Photo #3, Left Column, Seminar Question, iStockPhoto.com License #3074097. Photo #4, Sandra Rodman Photo clip (c) New Connexion TV, used to promote their work. Photo #5, Creative Sparks in Brain, iStockPhoto.com License #1824790. Photo #6, Filled Auditorium, iStockPhoto.com License #1824790. Graphic #7, RBA Introduction Cover, (c) S.H. Rodman. Photo #9, Brain Photo on Cover of Intro, iStockPhoto.com License #1402061. Photo #10, S.H. Rodman (c) S.H. Rodman. Photo #11, Networked Connections, iStockPhoto.com License #12290595. Photo Banner #12 - Talk Fusion Video Marketing Communications & E-mail, (c) TalkFusion.com. Banner #13, (c) Association of Internal Management Consultants.
PHOTOS on this site are (c) S.H. Rodman or used through license/purchase agreements with iStockPhotos.com or as noted above. If you like the iStock photos, please contact the owners for permission/licensing. To do so go to iStockPhoto.com, sign up, buy credits, input # and purchase via license or contact S.H. Rodman for SHR photos. Many thanks!